
Deadly Impact of Drugs Overdose on the Body

There has been an alarming rise in drug overdose in the US and still, most of us do not have an idea what occurs in the body during one. A person with a drug overdose hardly realizes what is happening to their body, but there are some easy alarming signs that others may notice like:

  • Excessive drowsiness
  • Cold and shaky hands
  • Cloudy thinking
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Decreased breathing (less than ten breaths in a minute)

Addiction is one of the main reasons for drug overdose which can be avoided only if the person has proper knowledge of what happens if you overdose. Detox to Rehab is a support group that helps addicted individuals to get rid of their addiction problems through free online assistance. They provide a list of reputed rehab centers, unconditional support, and guidance to addicted individuals so that they could lead a sober life.

Impact Of A Drug Overdose On The Body

Once you take the drug orally or through an injection, it passes through your neurons, the heart, the lungs, and finally into the bloodstream from where it is passed on to the rest of the body.

When It Enters The Brain

The drug enters the brain through the blood and produces the happiness hormone dopamine making you feel high. It further causes the feeling of being agitated and paranoid as dopamine levels increase. You might begin to nod off as the high soon evens out with your head sinking and jerking as you drift between feeling drowsy and waking.

Breathing Slows Down

The drug works on your system and reacts with the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in your blood. Any type of drug intake causes breathing to slow down, but with an overdose, this breathing becomes dangerously slow and eventually comes to an abrupt stop.

Heart Rate Slows Down

Your heart rate lowers as the drug blocks neurological signals. When the oxygen level drops low enough, the heart begins to beat improperly. Some overdose patients experience sudden cardiac arrest at this stage.

You might foam at the mouth due to pulmonary edema. There can also be seizures due to a lack of oxygen to the brain that can cause brain damage and ultimately death.