
7 Vital Tips For Interpreting Nutrition Facts

Nutrition facts contain basic health information about the food products you consume. Below are the best ways to interpret these facts:

Know the type of fat: a good interpretation of potato nutrition facts helps you understand the micronutrients contained in your favorite potato snack. If your potato chips have been deep-fried in high cholesterol oil, the nutrition fact will contain saturated fat as part of the nutrition facts. You should, therefore, remember that adults are expected to take less than 20 grams of saturated fat on a daily average.

Trans fat is also another type of fat that you should be wary of. You are to take 0 grams of trans fat daily. This is based on the fact that when companies list 0 grams of trans fat, it means that the food contains less than 0.5 grams of it per serving. That is to say that you may be consuming trans-fat even when the nutrition fact states that it has 0.

Know the serving size: the serving size written on your potato nutrition facts label, for instance, is what helps you put things into perspective. It gives you a clear picture of the product’s ingredients and how you should use the product. Every other information that comes next depends on the serving size.

Take note of the percent Daily Values (DV): the percent daily values contained in the nutrition facts will help you decide whether or not a product is good for you. Typically, nutrition facts contain the percent DV that is appropriate for the whole day, and not just for a particular meal. They are the average nutrient level for 2000 daily calorie intake, therefore, if the nutrition fact states 5 percent DV of fat, it means 5 percent of the entire fat for someone who is consuming 2000 calories in one day. 

Note that calorie intake varies among individuals. While some people may take up to 2000 calories a day, others may require less.

Look out for protein: too much protein may not be all that good for you, depending on your nutrition goals, but whatever the case may be, always look out for proteins when you are reading nutrition facts. If your goal is to lose weight or if you are exercising, proteins are very vital to you so you have to be on the lookout.

Sugar and fiber: Carbohydrates are another micronutrient you should look out for because sugar is a form of carbohydrate and you may want to avoid sugar. While you are avoiding sugar, you may need the right amount of fiber so try to strike a balance.

Remember your health goals: as you are reading your potato nutrition facts, remember your health goals. If you read these facts through the eyes of your goals, every fact listed gives you a new meaning. A person trying to lose weight, for example, will be thrilled by a low-calorie count.