Month Archives: October 2020


The GAMSAT Exam – Getting Prepared for it

GAMSAT is considered one of the difficult exams that need logical skills, analytical skills, and other skills. When one prepares for the exam, it enhances one’s knowledge about science and intellectual flexibility. One can pass the exam easily if he...


Gamble with the marked deck cards

In this article, we are going to dive into the topic of marked cards. What are the marked cards? In simple words, these cards consist of visible and invisible markings. The word card is always associated with game poker. It...


Tesla’s EVs Have Been Profitable

Tesla Earnings Reactions: The Way 1-5 Wall Street Advisors Responded Tesla reported earnings Wednesday afternoon. The Electric Vehicle manufacturer saw Better-than-expected earnings and also its fifth consecutive annual profits. The stock failed to budge, but economists increased their tesla stock...


Why Should You Exercise Outdoors?

Following are the reasons you should go outdoors and workout rather than exercise indoors:  It reduces blood pressure as well as decreases stress Research studies have revealed that physical activity outdoors reduces an individual's blood pressure and makes the heart...


How to Become a Better Student?

If you think that a TOP student is someone who reads textbooks from cover to cover and doesn't miss lectures, you don't know anything about them. According to statistics, up to 20% of the best students in the USA and...

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