
Half Marathon: Do’s And Don’ts You Should Remember

Half marathon runners make up a sizable share of the total number of people that participate. A half marathon is far more manageable than a full marathon, and it comes with a lot more glitter than a 5K. After all, to run 13.1 miles, you will need to put in a lot of time and effort in the workout and trial and error.

To be successful in your very first half marathon, you must be aware of both the things you should do and the things you should not do. As you prepare for your first half marathon, keep these tips in mind.

Organize Your Exercise Routine


Discover a strategy that suits your requirements. There are several programs available, each with a different number of weekly training days and distance requirements. It is not a one-size-fits-all event, and you must make an informed decision about your racing strategy before you begin. Furthermore, start dates vary for each program, with some beginning 16 weeks before the event and others starting six weeks beforehand. You must also organize your preparation by your degree of experience, health, and personal commitments.


You seem to believe that you don’t require any formal instruction. Half marathon UK running is a significant commitment and should not be practiced carelessly. Insufficient preparation will certainly result in injury. Getting to the starting line healthy and ready to go is critical.

Study To Fuel Well


Identify your on-the-run fuel, post-race food, and pre-race meal before the race, and make sure that you’ve tried them all out at a minimum once. During and before your UK half marathon, whatever you eat can significantly affect your performance. The energy level, stomach, and tolerance levels of each person vary. Moreover, the things that work for your friends may not be the best for you. If you plan on consuming energy drinks or gels while on the go, make sure to test them first. It’s also a good idea to reduce your fiber consumption in the days preceding up to the event and increase your carb intake somewhat (e.g., 60-100 additional grams).


If you want to try something new before or during your race, this is your chance! Perhaps the night before a marathon is not the best time to try a new restaurant. To avoid upsetting your stomach, stick to a bland food that you are familiar with. Many events also distribute energy gels and beverages to participants along the route. If you have not used them throughout training, do not use them during the race to see if they suit your stomach—that is not the chance to find out.

Wear The Proper Clothing


Bring comfortable clothing you have worn previously, and that fits the occasion and the climate. On race day, it is nothing new to follow a cardinal rule for a purpose. These are basic rules, yet they are often disregarded, resulting in chafing and hemorrhaging in sensitive places. To determine whether to use glide or choose something entirely different throughout your workout, choose a comfortable attire and wear it numerous times.

Moreover, check the weather forecast few days before the event and pay attention to the starting temperature. Consider what you will wear, and keep in mind that you will get hotter as the race progresses. Dress as if it is 10 degrees hotter than it is. It is a good sign if you are chilly when you first get out of bed. If you are okay losing layers as you go, another alternative is to wear them over your clothes.

Depending on the weather forecast, you may also want to wear an extra layer over your running suit if it will be chilly, windy, or raining when you get to the starting line. Before the gun goes off, spend as much time as possible getting warm and dry so that when the race begins, your body is ready to run. Most significant races will also give any unwanted clothes to a charitable cause in place of disposing of it.


On race day, avoid wearing anything new, especially the t-shirt that came in your goodie bag.

Pace Yourself


Train your body and mind to cope with the 13.1-mile challenge you are about to face. Pacing is critical because this is not a race to the finish line. It is tempting to run those few miles too quickly when the start line enthusiasm wears off, especially if you have just had a taper week. Rather than putting yourself at risk, choose your corral based on your finish time (and arrive early) rather than aiming for a personal record. When everyone is running at the appropriate pace, it benefits all of the runners.

The center to the bottom of the group is the best place to start if pace corrals are not available. While the first half of the race, you may always make your way up the leaderboard, bypassing other racers.


Aim to keep a strong pace unless you are in the last few miles of the race. The most common advice is to run at a target pace or move faster in the second part of the race than in the first.


It is nerve-wracking to sign up for your first half marathon. A great deal must be learned, including how many kilometers to run, what meals to eat, and which exercises are most effective for you. It is nerve-wracking enough to go through all the training, and then there is the unknown on race day itself.