
How Do Modern Access Control Systems Work?

Access control is not a new idea. Organizations have been implementing these kinds of systems for decades. However, today, the world of access control looks a little different. Read on to find out how access control systems work in today’s increasingly high-tech environment.

Unified Security Devices

It used to be the case that the term access control referred mostly to door security. Now, it can also encompass a wide range of video and other security systems, all of which can be integrated to provide maximum data and keep areas as secure as possible. While an older system might require the security team to monitor doors in person while gaining insight about other secured areas from a control room, an integrated system will make it easier to do everything from the same place.

Ability to Incorporate Legacy Systems

Not all organizations want to upgrade every part of their security systems when moving to a modern solution. The good news for those people is that some modern systems make it possible to incorporate legacy data, door schedules, key card systems, and more. Taking this approach can help organizations save money while making the change to a more effective access control system.

Built From the Ground Up

The reason that it’s so easy to incorporate legacy data and infrastructure is that today’s best access control can be purpose-built from the ground up. Taking this approach makes far more sense than installing new cameras, software, and other infrastructure and forcing the entire security team to learn a whole new system. Instead, access control solutions that are built from the ground up are easier to master and require far less time in training.

The Design Phase

During the design phase, a security team will sit down, often with other company stakeholders, to determine the top threats facing the organization and identify solutions for meeting those threats head on. Any existing infrastructure, including cameras, CCTV systems, electronic locks, and other forms of monitoring or access control equipment will be taken into account and, in most cases, left in place to contribute to the final system.

The Installation Phase

Whether the building currently has no infrastructure to support access control or has an outdated system that must be upgraded, the next phase will involve installing or reconfiguring hardware and devices throughout the building and grounds. At a minimum, this usually involves electronic locking systems for doors and video cameras throughout the grounds.

The Integration Phase

Next, the access control system must be fully integrated. A good system will be able to draw data from existing programs and devices without difficulty, making it possible to monitor everything at once.

The Training Phase

Once the new system has been installed, it’s time for the security team to learn the ins and outs of how it works. This part shouldn’t take long since the system will likely incorporate plenty of the same features, they are already accustomed to using. If new access controls have been implemented, such as an upgrade from key cards to biometric scanning, now is also the time to train employees in their use.

Enjoy Better Security and More Peace of Mind

A good access control system will make it easier for a facility’s security team to function efficiently and effectively. It will combine software, hardware, and security devices into a unified system that keeps track of everyone who comes and goes from the building or its grounds and creating an audit trail. It’s worth making the upgrade.