

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused multiple troubles not only in the rising quantities of casualties but as well as the struggle of adjusting to the new normal it caused. Throughout the implementation of the mass lockdown, many companies started from temporary shut-down to a total ceased production. Since there is no operation occurring to continue the cycle of money, there is no longer income but only expenditures.


For this reason, numerous individuals lost their jobs during the quarantine. However, one of the things learned in the enactment of the quarantine is independence. Thanks to the help of the Internet, those who lost their job have started their online business. The market they started continued to grow and became an aid with the source of income in their family, despite the difficulty.

Who would know that both the invented technologies and the Internet can become the support of human beings in times of need?

Now people worldwide are fine-tuning themselves with the new life cycle that is now commencing. 

Nevertheless, those who are working as a front-liner remains to experience struggle. These people working in the front remain to risk their lives in able to still give the service that their fellow countrymen need. Such as those doctors and nurses who are badly required in the hospital to saves. Those policemen and military forces who maintain the peace and order within the republic.

Even those contractors who renovate houses to keep the standard of the house and safety of the family living within. The only sad reality is that due to the lockdown, home services have become slower than ever, considering the lack of employees and the full-packed schedule of booking in the renovation.

But then again, with the help of the Internet, homeowners are able to work on their own. Fixing things inside the home and even installing bath fitters or tiles on a bathroom floor!

This may sound surprising, but yes, some homeowners prefer to do stuff within their humble abode to avoid spending too much.

In case you are planning on doing a remodeling your bathroom and wondering how to replace those tiles, Dura Care Baths, the most known company in remodeling bathtub to showers in Mission Viejo CA and best enterprise for shower remodel Mission Viejo CA, has created an infographic for you with all the details that you need.

Continue reading below to learn more:

How to Install Tiles on a Bathroom Floor? duracare baths

James Sullivan
the authorJames Sullivan