
Tips for a Brighter Home

The way a home looks speaks volumes about not only the people living in it, but also its material value. There are many factors which contribute to the look of a home, making it more or less appealing as a result. Arguably the most major one of these is lighting. The way you light a home can completely transform it into a different space. You can play with color, intensity, shadows and highlights to create a living space that perfectly fits your aesthetic, while also keeping your home perfectly functional and maintaining practicality.

While it’s true that lighting contributes heavily to the look of a home, it also helps with things like security. However, if you want a more thorough security system for your home, you can always look into ADT Home Security Packages. The following tips will help you brighten up your home through a few fairly easy methods.

Light Colored Walls and Furniture

While your aesthetic may be leaning towards darker tones, a brighter home can much more easily be achieved through a light color palette. This is because most light colors are much more reflective of light, making any room look a lot more open. You can always opt for a minimalistic style and add a pop of color here and there if you do not like the monotony, but keep the main theme of the room something light.

Smart Lighting

Smart lights are the perfect way to light any home. You have endless options to customize, which allows you to be creative with your home. These lights are long-lasting, extremely reliable and save you a lot of money on electrical bills. They can be used anywhere in your home, even outside, and can be monitored and controlled remotely. Smart lighting adds a futuristic, sophisticated look to your home that not a lot of other things can. Your home can easily look much brighter only through strategic lighting, so make sure to invest in this if you’re working on your home’s look.


The most obvious way to make a home look larger is through mirrors, but another thing it helps with is making your home look brighter. Mirrors reflect light, which means that if you place them at the correct angles, they can transform any room in your house into the perfect space. You can place them opposite a door that opens up to your garden, or even a white wall with a lamp and a few other pieces of décor that will allow your room to look much bigger and brighter.


A bright home brings with it many benefits that a lot of homeowners are after. It makes your home look bigger and livelier, strengthens your home’s security and allows you to express your creativity in the best ways possible. Adding smart lights to your home will be convenient, relatively cheaper and add a lot of comfort to your life as a homeowner, so make sure to consider it.