
A useful eBook Guide to Change Management


The purpose of the eBook Change Confusion: Prepare, Support and Maintain is to present change concepts quickly in a fun and informative way. A fun, quick read which is designed to be read in about an hour. Models of change are used to demonstrate a systematic approach for a change project from start to finish. The scenario of a family change project is used to help you understand and relate to concepts. It goes through all the stages and emotions in a standard project.

The Pros and Cons of E-Books - Tips from Tom the Bookworm


This eBook guide on Change Management covers models that include the classic Kotter models that include the classic Kotter model, the more modern Nudge theory and more. In addition, it can help you:

  • help deal with resistence to change
  • measure success
  • keep momentum
  • help you stay focused

A lot of information packed in an easy read format that you can refer to again as appropriate.

It also has a brief look at a career in change management , if that is something you are curious about and decide if it is an option you would consider. There is a summery, a quiz and resource to help you on your change journey.


Get an understanding of change management in a quick and fun way. Stay positive and inform during your learning journey. It is a great reference book for both the individual and teams.


If you want to know more about other books in the series check out

James Sullivan
the authorJames Sullivan