
How Much RAM, CPU, Storage, And IOPS Resources Does Your Vps Really Need?

VPS Server Hosting solution acts as a middle-road between a Shared and a Dedicated Hosting solution. In VPS Web Hosting, websites hosted on a primary hosting server are allocated private servers of their own with exclusive resources to enhance performance, reliability, flexibility, and security. 

In addition, you get full root access with a VPS Hosting Server, allowing you to configure and customize your VPS Server per your business requirements. The following video explains root access in VPS Hosting:

Beginners Guide To Root Access In VPS Hosting

However, choosing an ideal and the best VPS Hosting plan is vital to leverage the benefits of a VPS Server. 

While purchasing your VPS Server, you could be unsure of the resource requirements. In this article, we will assist you in understanding how much CPU, RAM, storage and other resources you can need for your business website without wasting money or resources. 

How much RAM does my VPS Server need? 

RAM is a crucial server component. Lack of RAM can crash your applications, make your system unresponsive, go into swap, resulting in server downtimes. 

Here are certain RAM guidelines that can help you choose an ideal RAM for your website: 

  • 2GB RAM 

If you have a server with Plesk, cPanel, or ISPconfig, a monitoring script, running MySQL, Mail, Apache/LiteSpeed, Statistics, webmails, firewall, with 20-30 domains set with low to medium website traffic, 2GB RAM is more than enough for you. 

  • 4GB RAM 

If you own a Virtual Private Server with similar specifications mentioned above, with 30-60 domains, and intermediate to medium web traffic, 4GB RAM must suffice to offer consistent performance and stability. 

  • 8GB RAM 

If you have a huge website that receives thousands of website visitors simultaneously, you require 8GB RAM. 

  • 32GB+ RAM 

If you own a heavy website, you must consider clustering or a CDN to distribute the load across more servers evenly. 

How many CPU cores does my server need? 

This factor is directly proportional to the types of loads you wish to run on your VPS Hosting Server. As a result, many applications in typical VPS Servers scale efficiently with the increasing number of cores. 

For example, a heavy MySQL database, Tomcat/Java applications, or heavy Mail servers can easily use 4,6,8, or more cores. 

How much IOPS does my server need? 

A usual 3.5” SATA desktop delivers 100-120 IOPS, whereas a high-quality Hitachi Ultrastar 15K600 15K SAS Disk delivers upto 400 IOPS in server tasks. On the other hand, a modern SSD Disk delivers 10,000 IOPS or more. 

Therefore, choosing a VPS Server that provides a high disk performance for sequential and random read/write operations is crucial. 

How much disk space does my server need? 

Disk space is another vital server component whose requirements keep on increasing with time. 

So, if you wonder how much disk space you require for your server, you must first assess how much disk space you are currently using. You can either directly check this on your command line or from your Plesk/cPanel interface. 

How much bandwidth does my server need? 

Bandwidth or data transfer measures the total bits transferred in and out of your VPS Server. Before purchasing your Virtual Server, you must calculate the bandwidth requirement of your website based on the number of pages, elements, site traffic, etc. 

The formula to calculate your bandwidth is the product of the following three variables: 

  • Page size
  • Average pages per visit 
  • Average visitors per day 

Summing Up 

We hope this article benefited you to understand how you can choose appropriate resources for your VPS Server. 

If you are seeking a VPS Server Hosting solution for your website, check out the plans and services offered by a reliable hosting provider. These companies offer highly reliable, flexible, scalable, and secure hosting solutions at an affordable rate. So, choose a suitable hosting plan considering the factors mentioned above today.