
Know the ultimate difference of UI & UX between Gamezop and GetMega

Ever since its advent, the online gaming universe has brought forth super-intuitive and creative platforms that only amazed fans as of now. But not all platforms deliver straightforward and seamless user experience or UX to the players. Talking about GetMega and Gamezop, let’s get something very clear from the beginning! Both the applications are designed with a simplified design.

That means they offer seamless and easily navigable UI. But differentiating the UI and UX of both the apps becomes a complex concept. For this reason, let’s present a handy guide to get all your doubts cleared regarding the same. Let’s learn the UI and UX features of Gamezop first, and then we shall move on to GetMega’s UI and UX functionalities.

But before anything else, here’s a quick note:

There are certain aspects to learn when comparing a gaming application’s UX and UI features of GetMega and Gamezop. With that stated, the significance of the game’s UI and UX functionalities can only be assessed by following some aspects like the leaderboard feature, the number of games it offers, the number of referral rewards, welcome bonus, security, etc. On the basis of these features and functionalities, let’s learn which app beats the other.

Outlining Gamezop’s & GetMega’s UI And UX Features

UI Features: With super-convenient and intriguing gameplay, fans on Gamezop can never get confused or bored. But it doesn’t anywhere undermine the significance of Getmega in terms of UI. Although the number of players to participate in the game depends on the gaming type, it has multiple games to kill your boredom.

So, if you are looking for an application that helps you spend your leisure time amazingly, Gamezop is your safer bet. But if you’re a passionate gamer who wants to strive for success, there’s no alternative to GetMega’s super amazing UI!

Number of Games: The number of games that the developers bring forth is mentioned in the following pointer:

  • Carrom
  • Pool
  • Snakes and Ladders
  • Football
  • LUDO
  • Cricket
  • Archery

On the contrary, Getmega offers an array of games, including:

  • Poker
  • Rummy
  • Carrom
  • GoPool
  • ABC Rummy
  • Warship
  • Dots & Dash
  • 123
  • PicMe
  • GK; and more

So, here, again, Getmega is a clear winner!

Leaderboard scoring: On point, Getmega offers a 24×7 leaderboard record for games like Poker, Carrom, GoPool, and Rummy. The leaderboards are winning and task-based, unlike the Gamezop app. On the contrary, Gamezop doesn’t have the 24×7 leaderboard record. But it surely gives a regular update about the live games. The leaderboards show final results on the basis of skills and performance. A majority of games in Gamezop have free entry. But when you wish to play the game, you can win real rewards. For this reason, paying an entrance fee is a prerequisite. All in all, Getmega is a clear winner when it comes to the availability of leaderboard scores.

Referral & Signup Bonus: Gamezop offers Rs. 5 as a referral reward. And you can use it in the gameplay! For signup bonus, Gamezop gives more than Getmega – Rs. 25, while Getmega offers Rs. 5. 

A Tabulated Version of The Winner: GetMega Vs. Gamezop

Given below is a tabulated narration of GetMega Vs. Gamezop in terms of UI and UX functionalities:

Parameters Winner
User Interface GetMega
Number of Games GetMega
Leaderboard Scoring GetMega
Referral & Signup Bonus Gamezop
Audio And Video Feature (for a better UX) GetMega

Final Verdict

For an improved UI and UX feature, the aforementioned functionalities are important to consider. A gaming application that offers better functionality is a clear winner, i.e. Getmega. Now that you have learned the difference in UX and UI of both apps, are you taking the next step ahead?