
What Should You Look For When Choosing A College Theatre Program?

You’ve decided to take the plunge! You’ve decided to put your proven love of the stage to the test after years of the bedroom community. You’ve wanted to pursue a career in theatre in college! However, there is one major issue. Where? Here’s where the fun begins, my little chickadees! Before you start your college search, think about these factors, according to Producer Brantley Dunaway.

  • The Program’s Size

Do you want to be one of the only 12 students in your class? Or are you one of 400? Smaller programs provide for a great deal of one-on-one attention. You may be taking all of your schools with the same 12 people for the next four years. The lasting bonds you form with your peers and lecturers are unparalleled, according to Brantley M. Dunaway. However, this means that there is little or no flexibility in terms of class selection. Programs may make it harder to stand out in class, but they also provide more chances for collaborative projects and the ability to study a range of schools.

  • Which is better: a conservatory or a university?

Do you want to spend every day of the week immersed in theatre without having to attend a single “traditional” academic class? A conservatory could be the answer. That is usually all-day, every-day rigorous theatre training (think Julliard). A college program within a university can suit your fancy if you have additional interests you’d like to pursue. You could take theatre classes three days a week and liberal arts classes (sciences, creative writing, heck, even math!) the other two days. New York University and Northwestern University are two good examples, according to Bratley Dunaway. If you are thinking of minoring in something other than theatre, this is the way to go.

In brief, conservatories are known for generating top-notch performers, whereas university programs place a greater emphasis on graduating well-rounded students.

  • Location

Going to school in a location where you could envision yourself living or working after graduation is quite beneficial. Life drew me out to California shortly after I graduated from NYU, and you can bet I was feeling (with a capital F) the loss of community and the professional and personal relationships I had spent four years developing in New York. Having a network is beneficial professionally, according to Bratley M. Dunaway, but having a support group of friends and old teachers to draw on during those first few years out of college will be invaluable.

It’s also crucial to compare the costs of in-state and out-of-state tuition. Out-of-state schools may be significantly more costly. Private institutions are an exception, as all students pay the same (sometimes pricey) tuition. Consult your parents to identify the best course of action for your family. Remember to apply for financial aid!! There are other scholarship resources accessible, in addition to the FAFSA and your school’s scholarships. Scholarships get offered from several sources.