
2024: The 5 Errors to Absolutely Avoid on Your CV

In today’s highly competitive job market, the stakes are higher than ever before. That perfect job you’ve been dreaming of? There might be hundreds or even thousands of other candidates vying for the same position. Therefore, your CV needs to effortlessly signal your skills and accomplishments, ensuring that hiring managers take notice.

Unfortunately, there are a myriad of ways in which an otherwise strong CV can be undermined by simple mistakes. In this article, we explore the top five errors to steer clear of on your CV come 2024.

1. Ignoring the Importance of Formatting and Design

A poorly designed or disorganized cv will quickly find its way into the trash bin. Remember, your CV serves as a first impression. To make it count:

  • Opt for a clean layout. Stick to traditional fonts like Times New Roman or Arial and a font size around 10-12 points.
  • Make wise use of whitespace. Avoid dense paragraphs and leave ample margins to ensure readability.
  • Emphasize headings and subheadings. This provides structure to help guide recruiters through your content.

Fine-tune Your Formatting Toolbox

In addition to these fundamentals, you can optimize your CV by mastering technology tools that streamline formatting efforts. Tools such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Canva offer sophisticated resume templates and features that ensure consistent, professional results.

2. Using Clichéd Language

Your goal in creating a CV is to stand out from the rest of the applicant pool. Relying upon clichéd, overused language will not achieve that goal. To circumvent this mistake:

  • Be original. Describe your accomplishments and skills using clear, direct language that distinguishes you as a unique candidate.
  • Avoid vague expressions. Phrases such as “team player” or “results-oriented” are empty and add little value.
  • Include specific examples. Demonstrate the impact of your work by including concrete data points and numerical achievements.

Cut through the Jargon Jungle

Don’t hide behind industry jargon. Instead, ensure that your CV tells an authentic, meaningful story about who you are and what you can bring to the table.

3. Neglecting to Tailor Your Application

Sending out the same generic CV for every job application is a surefire way to get overlooked. Customizing your CV for each position demonstrates attentiveness, professionalism, and genuine interest in the role. Here’s how to tailor your document effectively:

  • Match keywords from the job posting. Mirror the language used in the job description to illustrate your qualifications for the specific role.
  • Highlight relevant experience and skills. Showcase the aspects of your background most closely aligned with the job requirements.
  • Research the company culture. Adapting your CV to reflect the organization’s values and ethos can help create an appealing fit.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

The extra effort involved in crafting targeted, well-researched CVs ultimately pays off when it comes to landing interviews and securing job offers.

4. Being Too Humble (or Too Braggy)

Finding the right balance in tone is crucial for an effective CV. Presenting yourself as either too modest or overly boastful can be off-putting to hiring managers. To find your sweet spot:

  • Focus on the facts. Concentrate on objectively describing your accomplishments, experience and skills without resorting to hyperbole.
  • Be specific and factual. Instead of claiming you’re “the best” in a given area, offer direct evidence such as quantitative achievements that support your skills.
  • Sidestep emotive language. Employers are interested in what you’ve achieved, not how you feel about it. Replace overly subjective adjectives with those that convey greater objectivity.

Maintain a Goldilocks Approach: Not Too Much, Not Too Little

By sticking to a balanced portrayal of your qualifications, you avoid coming across as too arrogant or unassertive. Resist underselling or overselling yourself, seek the middle ground, and make your case based on merit.

5. Overlooking Proofreading

One of the most persistent yet detrimental mistakes job seekers commit? Failing to proofread their CVs comprehensively. Be sure to:

  • Check grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency. Errors can undermine your credibility, casting doubt on your attention to detail and overall competence.
  • Read your document multiple times. Even when you think you’ve caught every error, check again (and again).
  • Ask someone else to review your draft. A fresh pair of eyes may spot mistakes that you overlooked or offer insights into how the document can be further improved.

Don’t Diminish Your Prospects with Small Mistakes

Meticulous proofreading and editing demonstrate professionalism and care qualities highly valued by recruiters. Don’t let costly, avoidable errors decrease your chances of landing a desired position.

In conclusion, by learning from other job seekers’ common mistakes, you can ensure that your CV stands out in 2024 and beyond. Adopting these lessons will only elevate your professional prospects, bringing you one step closer to securing that dream job.


James Sullivan
the authorJames Sullivan