
5 Things To Avoid During The IELTS Exam 

Mistakes during any tests are very common. The environment of an exam hall, the time pressure and fear of scoring low will always make a student commit some mistakes.

Below are some recommended things that you need to avoid during your IELTS exam:

  • Time Management

One of the most common mistakes that test takers make is time management. It is really very difficult to complete the test in a given time thus the skill of time management is very necessary. 

Common mistakes like taking a lot of time to answer one question can be resolved by practicing and knowing how much time to allocate for a question will be helpful. 

You can develop a strategy during your practices like answering short and easy questions first and moving to the long and difficult ones. Also remember “Time waits for none”, thus work hard on managing time. 

  • Resting

IELTS is a long test of 3 hours (excluding speaking which is usually before or after the other tests) and will be exhausting. Make yourself full of energy before the test by taking adequate sleep the night before and eat well. 

A fully rested body and tummy will help you keep your concentration on the exam. Also make sure to use the restroom before the exam starts. 

  • No Blank Answers

A very useful tip “don’t leave your answer blank” especially in reading and writing tests. 

Even if you don’t know the answer you can make a guess. Sometimes a random guess can also be a correct answer if you are lucky. 

There are no negative marks for wrong answers in IELTS so take your chance and don’t leave blank answers. 

  • Focus And Keep Calm

Avoid thinking unnecessary things and only try to focus on the questions and answers during the test. People usually get nervous when they face a difficult question and it’s normal.

Learn some breathing exercise and give yourself some time to regain the focus. Losing your focus especially on your listening will be very costly and a calm mind will help you avoid mistakes. 

  • Don’t Be Late

You should get to your test center on time on your exam day. Know the direction of the center and plan earlier to reach on time. You don’t want to be late and rush to your exam. 

You will also need to give plenty of time for id check, having your photo taken, registration and give yourself time to settle in the stressful environment of the exam hall.

I hope that you will find these tips useful and keep the points in mind while taking the test.

Good Luck!