
Fundamentals of Engineering Course to be Studied

Fundamentals of Engineering is a type of exam that helps individuals to obtain a license of the professional engineer. This license is valid for the United States. In general, six different examinations are available as a whole. 

These examinations cover different engineering lines to help individuals that are not sure about pursuing a career in one particular line. Individuals with PE licenses are able to apply for various jobs in the engineering section. They are able to obtain more salary and gain more abilities with this license. So, the Fundamentals of Engineering becomes a necessary step for engineers. This helps engineers to grow quickly in their careers. The fundamentals of engineering course can be quite challenging.

 If you want to increase your chances to successfully pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam (FE), you can take up any reputed online training courses. The Fundamentals of Engineering Course will help you review all the important terms. Thus, individuals need to prepare for this examination by understanding various concepts mentioned in the course. The overview of the course, along with the sections, are as mentioned below


You will get a basic understanding of mathematics and its concepts that are crucial for the exam. The characteristics of straight lines, along with the equations, are the first concept that you will go through. It also includes polynomial equations, trigonometric identities, quadric surfaces, areas, and so on. You will get an in-depth explanation of logarithms and complex numbers in algebra. In addition, you will get to understand how to demonstrate the ways to convert determinants and matrices. 

The identities and a few other fundamental properties of the vector are included. Taylor and Maclaurin series, along with the progressions of arithmetic and geometry, are included in the discussion series. In conclusion, this course will help you to gain a basic knowledge or understanding of the equations and the terms present in mathematics. It also contains practice questions for you to get a clear understanding of all the concepts.   

Statistics and Probability

It will be useful for you to obtain a basic understanding or knowledge regarding the probability and statistics that are important for preparing for the FE exam. One will get to know about the basic definitions in detail related to statistics. For example, dispersion and mean properties. In addition, it includes the computation of permutations and combinations. 

Then probability and its basic and advanced concepts are explained and discussed thoroughly. It includes binomial distributions that are applied to normal and discrete binary events. You will learn the uses and how to implement confidence levels and intervals. You will get practice questions where you have to apply the central limit theorem to help you understand clearly. 

In conclusion, you will be provided with numerous sample questions that will help you learn and understand crucial concepts better. 


It contains an explanation of Newton’s laws. In addition, it includes concepts like vector, force, units, and dimensions. One will get a complete and thorough understanding of the forces. The important key points and features of the vectors and the ways to use it are also included in it. Moments and couples are also explained in an elaborative manner. The types of equilibrium, along with the equilibrium of a rigid body, is discussed here. You will learn how to draw accurate body diagrams. 

You will get to understand how to find solutions for the questions that include friction. In addition, you get a thorough knowledge regarding the geometrical features such as areas, volumes, lines, and so on since they are crucial concepts in statics. 

In conclusion, it will provide you with several practice questions that will help you get a clear understanding of all the accumulated knowledge. 

Mechanics of Materials 

It is another important concept that you must learn completely for taking up the FE exam. It contains a thorough explanation of stresses, equilibriums, and strains in prismatic bars. It also discusses the mechanical properties or features of the most commonly used engineering materials. For instance, Hooke’s law and normal stress diagrams are also displayed along with their connection to the shear strains.

You will also learn the processes that are used for calculating the shear stress and the angle of twist. Lastly, it helps you learn the processes required to compute the bending stress in beams. 

In conclusion, you will gain a better and clearer understanding of the concepts after completing the course. You can also select to solve the questions provided in this course. 

Fluid Mechanics

This includes the basic concepts related to fluid mechanics; most importantly, the concepts that are covered in the exams. The description of the fluid, along with its differences, is provided. You can understand how to distinguish fluid from solid. In addition, it will help you again with a much better and clearer idea about the characteristics of both gases and liquids. 

The fluid statics are discussed in detail. In addition, it contains an explanation of the topic dimensional and similitude analysis. It contains concepts such as dimensional homogeneity and fundamental dimensions. 

In conclusion, it will provide you with all the crucial ideas and concepts related to fluid mechanics. You can also solve the questions provided in the course to get a stronger idea related to this topic.  

Thus, the fundamentals of engineering courses help you to understand various concepts required for clearing the exam. One must pass this exam to become a successful professional engineer in the United States.

James Sullivan
the authorJames Sullivan