
How traffic controllers ensure safety in construction sites?


With the rising numbers of accidents in construction sites, traffic control management is strongly recommended to the construction industry in Australia. This country experiences nearly 5-7 deaths of construction workers annually due to poor safety management and not having a trained traffic controller. If you have enrolled in a traffic control management course in melbourne, seek a career in the construction industry where they always need trained and responsible traffic controllers to keep the workers, vehicles, and the pedestrians, using the side of the construction path protected. 

Here, explore how the traffic controllers ensure safety in construction sites-

Reduce vehicle movement & proper Traffic Management 

The primary focus of any responsible traffic controller is to minimize the traffic flow by the construction site. They already start with putting a sign so that vehicles passing through the way should be careful and drive slowly. Many conscious drivers avoid entering the streets where a construction site is. They prefer to turn the car or move back. 

Protecting Pedestrians 

Traffic controllers should always be careful about protecting pedestrians. When pedestrians pass through a construction site, they should follow the instructions of the traffic controllers to stay protected from any anticipated accidents. 

Ensuring safety to mobile vehicles

The traffic controller also has to guide the infrastructure vehicles to move in or come out of the construction site, when the pedestrians along with the vehicles need to obey the traffic signals. 

Safety to workers 

By using the signs and instructions, the traffic controller protects the plant workers. When they’re coming out in groups or shifting any machinery or engine, the traffic controller has to stop the vehicles and the pedestrians from passing to avoid accidents. 

Turning Vehicles 

Another important job of the traffic controllers is to turn vehicles when the construction work demands the streets to remain clear. 

Instructions & Signs with proper visibility 

The traffic control melbourne course that you will attend will teach you the diverse signs, signals and instructions that you have to memorize to become a responsible traffic controller. Make sure, you give the right signs as a single mistake can take precious lives.