
Make your guide to resin approaches

The first question for any freelance newbie is, “How much experience do I have in wet jobs?” Do you have experience with concrete, resin driveway kits or resin mixes?

If the answer is YES … great, continue.

Otherwise, but you are still impatient, also read!

Familiarizing yourself with “wet crafts” (mixing concrete, plaster, etc.) means you know what it is … there is always a time limit (which can create pressure).

When it comes to sidewalk installations, the only surface treatment products that don’t have time pressure are paving and gravel installations. While many installers are trained to paving blocks, they don’t come under as much pressure to fix things up and have time to make mistakes and fixes later if needed. In comparison, skilled wet traders should prepare the mixture well and apply it on time … and finish before installation.

But it’s not just about correcting the mix. Bedtime is just as important.

There are excellent examples of “individual” resin installation, but if the area is very large or there are drainage problems … … it is best to call in a specialist.

DIY Resin Paths – Preparation

A cleaning lady is unlikely to try to dig completely and install new substrate! Therefore, our preparation is limited to fixing the existing concrete surface.

Remove first, wash, and then wash the existing concrete surface with acid. This will remove all loose material.

Second, with concrete, it is good to sand the surface a few millimeters to improve the adhesion of the resin during application. If there are cracks (less than 10mm), use a mixture and fill with epoxy plaster. Anything larger than this may require the section to be cut … and repaired.

DIY Resin Approaches WARNING: Some resin manufacturers sell additional products and resin driveway materials to improve the installation surface of the existing resin. Choosing the right resin manufacturer is the KEY to a decent installation. More information below:

Third, rinse the surface and allow the area to dry completely. And that means “dry bone”. While it can be difficult in the UK for most of the year, hot air tubes (which are like mini flamethrowers) are relatively inexpensive to hire. It is worth it, even if it speeds up the drying process.

Finally, mask the edges, unless you want resin along the bottom edges of the walls!

  • Ready to work! But seek help – your friends or family will help you.
  • The resin from the resin driveway materials hardens very quickly – IF you do not intend to hire a “forced mixer”, use a plaster additive or the like. This will ensure consistent and fast mixing.
  • Mix the resin and apply it to the area with a serrated cleanser or to larger areas with a rake or shovel.
  • Cover approximately 1 to 2 square meters at a time, evenly to the depth recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Apply and ensure even coverage.

We’re always on the lookout for cool DIY car access experiences, so be sure to tell us all about your DIY resin installations and the resin driveway kits!