
STD Testing and What to Expect at a STD Clinic

STD testing is not usually a part of your routine checkup at the gynecologist office or family practice clinic. So be sure to request STD testing at your primary care physician’s office. You will take best steps for Home Testing. Be as forthcoming as possible with your medical history, so that they can assist you in determining which tests would best suit you. disclose information about any sexually transmitted diseases (STD) that you may have, even if you think you do not need such a test. In some cases, you might even be asked to undergo treatment for one or more STD. Follow this link for more.

If you have been diagnosed with an STD, you may be referred for a physical exam by your primary care doctor. This would generally be accompanied by a urinalysis, to determine whether an infection is present. Usually, this type of examination is not recommended for young women who are sexually active unless there is a risk for infecting a partner. Generally, however, an STD physical exam is not necessary in most cases.

If you choose to have a normal, periodic STD examination, you can ask your primary care doctor for a referral. This could be especially helpful if you are sexually active and are concerned that you may be spreading an STD. In addition, STD testing at your gynecology visit could be requested should you notice symptoms such as soreness or a rash, or if you exhibit a fresh rash after unprotected intercourse. If you are sexually active and have had multiple partners, it may be advisable to have an STD test at every visit, particularly if you have recently had a vaginal or anal intercourse partner. In addition, you may be asked to return for regular STD tests every few months, particularly if you are sexually active or if you have had a history of STD dating back many years.

Often, STD tests are confidential, but it is important to make the right decision about your health. Do not hesitate to see your medical practitioner and request a test. Remember, that most stds are treatable. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the best way to proceed. For example, some STD tests, such as Pap smears or colposcopy examinations, can detect only the presence of HPV. Although these exams can provide some information, you should still get regular Pap smears and colposcopic examinations even if you have tested negative for HPV.

Your health care provider may advise you to get routine HIV or STD blood tests as well. Although these blood tests do not detect any current or historical infections, they can tell if you are at risk for developing an illness. Sometimes people are incorrectly diagnosed with an STD when, in reality, they have something else. It is important to note that some STD blood tests do not accurately detect HIV or STDs; therefore, they should not be used to make a diagnosis. However, you should have regular HIV or STD blood tests done if your health care provider recommends them.

If you are interested in going to one of your local STD clinics to receive treatment, then you should know that STD tests are quite common. In fact, nearly half of all sexually active adults will go to an STD clinic at least once during their lifetime. Unfortunately, many people who contract STD do not receive treatment. If you are one of those individuals, then you should know that there are many STD treatment centers available to help you receive treatment.</p>