
Walking Or Running Is The Best Outdoor Activity.

Nordic walking and brisk walking increase the physical demand without significant joint impact.

Brisk walking, the rapid walking, i.e., walking at a brisk pace, averaging about 5 kilometers per hour (km / h), is one of the recommended medical ways to spend more calories and increase heart rate. If it is also done with additional pace increases (5-8 km / h), in what is labeled as power walking, benefits are practically comparable to running.

There are many different ways of walking, and walking is not the same as walking. There are multiple ways to add physical demands to the walk. Walking with a weighted vest with the additional weight also favors caloric consumption. A rule of thumb must be kept as a precaution: The vest does not exceed 5-10% of the body weight of each walker.

Another way to increase caloric expenditure is to walk wearing a vest with extra weight. Walking on uneven terrain, with steep slopes, instead of always on the flat, in a more peaceful way, also helps to increase physical work. Mobile applications or popular smartwatches allow each route’s unevenness to be quickly and relatively accurately calculated. It is advisable to do it progressively, starting with a 5% unevenness and reaching 10% -15%.

The walk at an interval pace, with increases and decreases of the pace without interrupting the activity, is also recommended among the variants of walking to improve performance and increase physical demand.

If walking a person feels that they are falling short in physical activity despite incorporating variations such as fast walking or Nordic walking, there is another third way that does not involve running, an intermediate step that is recommended to test without risk of injury.

If we want to start running, I defend the ca-co, the walk-run, so as not to suddenly start running, and then we have to stop because we have injured ourselves. Running has more impact on the joints; it can cause more injuries, but we can permanently save ourselves injuries if we make a good transition.

If we want to run, a prior muscular work of strength is highly recommended. If you walk around, you lose muscle mass. It is essential to do complementary bodybuilding work of the whole body: two days of muscular work a week, with basic exercises, such as rubber bands.

To prevent injuries, it is essential to strengthening the muscles with weekly strength training. With a better muscle biostructure, we will injure ourselves less,” adds this personal trainer. For novice runner soul walkers to follow some basic guidelines, so you don’t make many common beginner mistakes.

You don’t have to go from white to black; in some cases, it is advisable to run, but you have to do it sensibly; for example, ten-kilometer races can be done in some cases but not longer. And do not forget that walking is the basis of all physical activity. Not all distances are available to all running fans, and, in any case, you have to make the transition and preparation in the medium and long term very progressively.