
How to Write the Perfect Christmas Card Message

The holiday season is a perfect time to reach out to those you care about and let them know how much you appreciate them. A Christmas card is a thoughtful and personal way to show you are thinking of someone during this special time of year. But what do you say in a Christmas card? This can be a tough question, especially if you are not used to writing personal messages. Luckily, there are some tips and tricks you can use to make sure your Christmas card message is just right.


  1. Start by thinking about the person you are writing to. What kind of relationship do you have with them? Are they a close friend or family member? A co-worker or acquaintance? This will help you decide what kind of message to write.
  2. Keep it personal. Your Christmas card message should be about your relationship with the person you are writing to. Tell them what you appreciate about them or a memory you have together.
  3. Keep it positive. The holiday season is a time for happiness and joy, so make sure your message reflects that. Avoid any negative or depressing topics.
  4. Be sincere. Your christmas cards message should be genuine and from the heart. Avoid anything that could be perceived as insincere or fake.
  5. Keep it short. A Christmas card message does not need to be long or overly detailed. A few sentences are usually enough.
  6. Sign your name. Make sure to sign your name at the end of your message. This is a personal touch that will let the person know you wrote the message just for them.
  7. Add a personal touch. If you are crafty, you could add a personal touch to your Christmas card message by adding a handwritten note or a small gift.


  • If you are struggling to think of what to write, try looking up Christmas quotes or poems online. You could also use a Christmas card generator to help you create a message.
  • If you are sending a Christmas card to someone you do not know well, it is usually best to keep the message short and simple.
  • If you are sending a Christmas card to a child, make sure the message is appropriate for their age.
  • If you are sending a Christmas card to a family, you could include a message for each individual member.
  • If you are sending a Christmas card to a couple, you could include a message for both of them.
  • If you are sending a Christmas card to a group of people, you could include a message for the group as a whole.