

Why data scientists and quants are not the same things?

The confusion between quants and data scientists If you haven't been living under a rock, then surely you must have heard about quants. To put it simply, the quants or the quantitative are the people hired by a company or...


Abbreviations and Its Full Forms

We use plenty of abbreviations in our everyday routines. A person may not know the full meanings of those terms. Abbreviations can be found in all the fields, such as education, science, technology, banking, and so on. Full forms play...


The pros and cons of online course delivery

Worldwide, universities are heavily curtailing in-person instruction and drastically reducing housing.  The origination of universities was predicated on the necessity of bringing great minds together as a way of sharing and generating knowledge.  Of course, today we have digital technology...


A perfect tool for ESL students

Following a first educational game that came out a year ago for younger kids, (ages 4 to 8 years :, Tradis is a simple tool that inspires students learning a second language to exchange and discuss everyday topics, no matter...

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